Getting Military Auto Insurance Quotes

For those serving their country, getting military auto insurance quotes should mean seeing savings. When comparing quotes for military car insurance you will probably be glad to notice many of the policy providers actually do offer a discount for the military men and women of this country. In some small way, it is a way to pay honor to those who serve the United States through the military.
So what are some reasons to get military auto insurance quotes?
- You can’t really know the savings you could be getting with your military car insurance until you compare rates.
- Being able to access these rates for free saves you a great deal of time and effort. To do this yourself you would have to locate all of the insurance providers that offer car insurance for military service men and women and inquire about rates with each one individually.
- By simply providing your zip code and no more personal information to just get started, you can have these insurance providers competing for your business. The end result is lower rates from insurance companies that want you to get your military auto insurance policy with them.
- This is the best way to find out about all of your options for military auto insurance policy rates. There are so many different types of insurance coverage available, and you can compare rates for different types much more easily by letting someone else compile the quotes for you.
Don’t Settle for Less When It Comes to Military Car Insurance
If you have previously tried to compare military auto insurance quotes on your own, you may realize how different the rates can be. Much of this depends on the type of coverage you want, but can also be affected by how serious companies are about wanting your business. The trick is not to settle for more or less coverage than you want to have or higher premiums than you want to pay. Getting competitive military auto insurance quotes ensures that you never have to pay more than you should.
So what else could impact the price of your auto insurance for military rates?
- Your age and how long you have been legally driving
- The state where you live
- The age of your car and whether or not it is financed
- Your driving record including any tickets or accidents
- Your history of keeping insurance
- Your credit score
One thing people don’t often realize is that if you have had a lapse in your insurance coverage of more than 30 days, you could be looking at steeper monthly premiums. Keep your insurance in place and your rates low by getting the auto insurance for military personnel quotes you need right away.
Simply, enter your zip code and your military auto insurance rates will be on their way to you so you can make your choice now.
Things You Should Know about Military Auto Insurance

Though it may only be a small compensation, getting discounts for your military auto insurance is one thing you are entitled to as a military serviceman or woman. Whether you are currently listed as active duty, have been honorably discharged or are retired, you will find many insurance providers offer discounted rates so you can save money on your monthly premiums. There are, however, some things even the insurance providers cannot work around that can impact the cost of your military car insurance rates.
Factors That Impact Military Auto Insurance Quotes
Whether you are in the service or have been, there are some things that are standard when it comes to getting your military auto insurance quotes. These are things that servicemen and women would have to contend with for their rates the same as civilians would.
These include details such as:
- Your age and how long you have been driving legally. Not only that, but how clean your record is for the years you have been driving. Even for military car insurance quotes, rates and policies, the cleaner your driving record the lower your premiums. Keep in mind if you do end up getting any type of ticket or infraction, find out if you can take a driving course to have this take off your record.
- The car you drive and where you keep it at night. That’s right, even where you park your car at night can have an impact on your car insurance rates. If you live on base, this will help you save money on your military auto insurance rates, especially if you are able to keep your vehicle in a garage and protected from the elements. The condition of the car and whether or not you have it financed also has a lot to do with what your insurance premiums will be.
- Your zip code also helps determine what you will be looking at for costs when it comes to your monthly insurance premiums. Each state has different regulations, guidelines and minimum amounts of required coverage. The state you live in will determine whether you must have a certain amount of liability coverage, must carry no fault insurance or if there are other stipulations that will impact your car insurance for military personnel.
Types of Car Insurance for Military Personnel
Like for civilians, there are different options when it comes to auto insurance for military servicemen and women. So, you need to know what the different types of insurance are available for you as a driver.
Liability – This is the most basic coverage states require drivers to have to be behind the wheel of a car legally. All states except New Hampshire require this type of policy, even for military auto insurance. The minimum amounts vary from state to state, but this is usually the very least you will need to have. It covers the driver, passengers and property of someone you hit but none of your own expenses.
No Fault – This type of coverage is required by 12 states at this time, so may need to be part of your car insurance for military personnel coverage. A no fault policy is meant to cover the policy holder in the event of an accident regardless of who is at fault. The purpose of this is to avoid the need for expensive and time-consuming lawsuits to try to recoup costs. This also ensures that all persons involved with injuries receive immediate treatment without waiting to verify the responsible party.
Collision – Collision insurance covers just the expenses involved if you have a collision with another car. In some cases the policy will only cover damage caused by an accident with another car, so if you hit a structure, tree or other object you would still be liable for your own expenses. If you are considering collision, when getting your military auto insurance quotes, ask what types of accidents are covered.
Comprehensive – Comprehensive insurance fills in lapses where your other policies may be lacking. So while your collision for military auto insurance may not cover fire, storm damage or damage caused by an “act of God”, your comprehensive policy probably will. This is the best way to also protect against things such as damage caused by vandalism or loss and lack of recovery due to theft.
Getting military car insurance doesn’t have to be a hassle, especially when you leave the hard work to someone else. Just provide us with your zip code and you can get your military auto insurance quotes and start saving money on car insurance today.
Military Auto Insurance Discounts

No one can forget those special people who guard our country and protect us as we sleep comfortably at night. Even when it comes to our automobile insurance, we have them in mind.
Our armed forces are offered deep discounts when it comes to military auto insurance. Several automobile insurers carry this insurance and it is determined by rank, duty of the insured and placement.
In fact, there are many car insurers that actually focus on working with the active men and women who are serving in the military. Additionally, there are automobile insurance discounts for the retired service personnel and made available to Reservists and the National Guard as well. With the cost of living increase in the United States, military pay and benefits may not have kept up.
Now, those offering such discounts are aware that these men and women who serve the United States and its Government are honorable citizens. They are reliable clients who are known to take care of their responsibilities, which is the reason that insurers offer these discounts. There’s a trust that payments will be received because service men and women have very little chance of being laid off and they work steady jobs.
Still, many military personnel buy their automobile insurance and purchase policies without really understanding what coverage they actually need. But what they need is what we all need, which is adequate coverage that will protect them from financial, physical and material loss.
So how does basic auto insurance apply to military lifestyle? Well here are some coverage options:
- Property-damage liability – repair of vehicles and property damaged in the event of an accident
- Bodily injury liability – pays for medical bills, wages, rehab and funeral costs
- Personal injury liability – pays medical expenses and a percentage of lost wages to you or anyone authorized to operate your vehicle
- Collision Coverage – pays for damage to your car, less your chosen deductible, regardless of the responsible party
- Comprehensive Coverage – in the event of fire, theft or vandalism, the coverage pays for damage to your car
- Vehicle replacement – full replacement value, not depreciated value
- Uninsured Motorist Coverage – protect you or anyone authorized to drive your vehicle again injury caused by an uninsured motorist or hit and run.
Another plus is that if a military man or woman’s duties require them to store a vehicle for more than one month, some insurers can suspend or even lessen coverage.
It is important to be ‘military smart’. That means military personnel can make their budget stretch by accessing discounted military auto insurance. It doesn’t matter what branch of the military it is. It is a discount well deserved because of what they have sacrificed as honorable citizens.
The insurers offer this protection as a way to extend gratitude to those who are currently serving or who have served in the armed forces.